“Oh, that runs in the family”

What if it didn’t have to?

It’s tempting to blame genetics when health issues pop up. You’ve heard it — or maybe even said it yourself: “Oh, that runs in the family.”

Most people think of their genes like an unchangeable blueprint — you inherit them from your parents, and that’s that. But here’s the thing — your genes are way more flexible than you think. While they set the stage, you decide how the play unfolds.

Before we dive deeper, you should know this — you’re already influencing your genes with your everyday habits, whether you realize it or not. The question isn’t if you’re affecting your genetic expression, it’s how.

Let me break it down for you:

  • Nutrition: It’s not just about calories and macros. Every bite you take is sending messages to your genes, telling it how to behave.

  • Movement: Your genes want you to move. Sitting all day? Nah, not what they signed up for.

  • Sleep: Your body’s silent nightly genetic reset button. Skip it, and you’re missing out on crucial repair time.

  • Stress: This one’s a sneaky saboteur. Chronic stress isn’t just messing with your mood—it’s sabotaging your genes from the inside out.

  • Hormones: Your genes are listening to your hormones. From energy to emotions, they call the shots—get them in sync, and you’re unstoppable.

  • Environment: Your surroundings are shaping your genes too. People, places, pollution —they all communicate with your body. Are you in the right environment? Let’s go! Spotting any red flags? Time to make a change.

Your DNA isn't your destiny

You’re already shaping your health without realizing it

But, how? you might think. Don’t worry, I got you! Welcome to the amazing world of epigenetics — the science of how your environment and behaviors can “switch” genes on or off, impacting your health in ways your DNA alone could never predict. Your lifestyle — what you eat, how you sleep, how often you move — can actually change how your genes express themselves. And your lifestyle is just one of the aspects.  

By understanding the science behind your daily habits, you can make choices that align your genetic expression with your health goals. Your genes might load the gun, but your lifestyle pulls the trigger. Aim wisely.